Friday, June 1, 2012

The Story of Us

First, American Stuffers news....
We got the call today that American Stuffers will be airing on Destination America.  They have not ordered any new episodes yet, but this is a step in the right direction and we are excited to be included in their line up!!  We will keep you posted on any news as it comes in!

So someone asked about how Daniel and I met so today I will share that story.

I guess we actually met in 7th grade.  I moved to Rose Bud and since we had a total of 45 people in our entire class, we must have met then. 

These are our gorgeous yearbook pictures from that year!

Anyway, fastforward four years.....we started our junior year of high school and I was interested in Daniel.  He, however, was pretty much ignoring me.  I flirted shamelessly, and my bst friend and I helped plan a big party for Daniel and David's 17th birthday.  (Daniel is a twin)  So the big night came and I somehow got his attention.  He asked me to dance and we have been together ever since then.

We saw each other every day and were pretty much inseperable.  Of course, we went to Jr and Sr prom together.  We went to San Antonio for our Senior trip together.  We walked in graduation together.  All of my memories from high school are with Daniel. 

The last semester of our senior year, I transferred to home ec all day long.  I only needed my last semester of English but Daniel played basketball and had to stay at school all day, so he and I took all the home ec classes together.  We took child development, housing, cooking.  We had so much fun!  I even kept the books for the basketball team so that I could attend all of his games.  Good times at Rose Bud High!

After high school, Daniel went to work and I went to college.  I had a full ride scholarship and knew that if I wanted a degree, I had to get it while it was free.  I lived at home and commuted to the University of Central Arkansas.  Mostly because Daniel was in Rose Bud.  We got married during Christmas break of my freshman year. 
 It was a whirlwind time in life, we were so happy! We were young and poor, but we didn't need much. We were so ready to start our life together.  All I had ever wanted was to be a wife and mother.  We had Hunter the summer between my sophomore and Junior years.  I was 8 months pregnant with Mason when I graduated.   
It wasn't always easy or perfect.  We had ups and downs like everyone does.  But we always knew we belonged together.  When we stood before God and promised to love each other always, we meant it.  In today's society, it seems like marriage has lost it's meaning or value.  This makes me sad.  I know what it is to love and be loved and the happiness that can bring.  I wish more people knew the value of a good marriage. 

Here is a picture of Daniel with Hunter.  We were so young.....

He is such a good dad to my boys.  The way he loves them and spends time with them only makes me love him more.  I have often heard the best thing a father can do for his children is love their mother.  Daniel shows them everyday how to be a good husband.  He shows them how to be a man of honor, a man of God, a man that I am proud to call my husband!

Since it is summertime and I have a little more time on my hands, I will try to write again soon.  Please let me know what you would like to hear about.

Have a good day!
